Shot-by-Shot Analysis #7

 Complete a detailed shot-by-shot analysis using screenshots.


In these pictures you see a female answer the phone like any other horror comedy. As she is taking to the person who is spying on her you can tell she is getting scared as he says more things. There is dramatic music and I think you can get the meaning because the popcorn is getting larger. She is wearing the basic girly-girl outfit with a cute white button shirt and a skirt. You can tell the movie is in the 1900's because of the kind of phone she is using to get a call from.  The different shot is showing the whole meaning of the beginning. As she one the phone you see her lock her door because the other person on the other side of the phone is saying things that are scaring her. You can see in the 8th shot how her face looks more worried then the others. As the conversation gets more heated the popcorn gets larger. The person on the other side of the phone put a male out on her porch and say its her boyfriend but it wasn’t. You can see her turn around and she runs to her back door to lock it. Each shot has the meaning of fear becoming larger and larger as they are talking. The doorbell rings and she grab a bat and start beating two kids thinking it the person on the other film. Then the person on the other side of the phone come and side and she run the basic “white girl trips over nothing” happens and she falls. The man on the other side of the kills her then it does a quick shot to high school students a couple day later.

The different shots they use are

- extreme close up

-extreme long shot

- medium shots

- dolly in

- dolly out 


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