Case Study- Scary Movie 3 History


History of comedy and horror!!

The comedy genre became a big shot in 1930s and it has involved over the years. The first actual comedy movie was made in the 1895 the movie is “Tables Turned on the Gardener. It was 1 minute long and the creator of it was named Louis Lumiere. Comedy has been one of the most popular and successful genres. Comedy normally is involved with funny characters and the theme that has funny situations. When you are in a comedy you must be lever with what you are saying and allowing the audience to see. Movie are funnier when you have something unexpected or shocking happens. Horror genre is a little different it was first found and created in the 18th centuries. The genre was invested by Horace Walpole. The first horror movie that was created is called “The House of the Devil” in 1896 it is a 3-minute movie. The director, screenplay and producer were Georges Melies. Horror genre comes from deep roots starting with stories. Early creations myths in all cultures are normally about demons and darkness. As the years start to past, they submerge together different genres together drawing more audience together.


For “scary movie 3” the production company was brad grey picture. You see this production company in a lot of films like “scary movie 3”. There are 5 scary movie and they all give off the same theme. The movie was distributed by dimension films alongside many other movies with a similar them as this one. The release date for “scary movie 3” is October 20, 2003 in Los Angeles premiere. The movie running time is 84 minutes. The movie ha mise-en-scene which is an important part of a movie. The budget of the whole process was $48 million, and the box office was $220.7 million. The genre of this move obviously a big deal.


The “scary movie 3” distribution was Dimension Film. This movie has many different films inside the movie for example “The Ring” “The matrix reloaded” and “8 mile” these films where placed into this movie as the theme of them movie. “Scary Movie 3” use music for the sound effects some of the music artist they use is James Venable, Frank Fitzpatrick and Jorge Coranto.


The movie “Scary Movie 3” was marketed by Brad Grey Picture. They used cinematography by Mark Irwin. Edited by Jon Poll. Music by James L. Venable. Distributed by Dimension Films. The amount of money it took to create and bring together the pieces was $48 Million. The movie all together made $220.7 million being able to play back what they used to produce the movie.

Cross-media convergence and synergy

In “Scary Movie 3” the following films “The Ring”, “The matrix reloaded” and “8 mile” where placed into “Scary Movie 3”. In scary movie the movie “The ring” first appears in the middle of the movie when Regina Hall (Brenda) was playing a prank on Anna Faris (Cindy). You can the person who plays the part of the ring comes out the TV and Brenda start fighting her for getting water on her floor. Brenda repeatedly ask for Cindy help, but she doesn’t come because she keeps play prank on her. When Cindy come out, she finds Brenda dead. That is what It mean when you cross media.


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