Blog #5 Questions On My Blog!!


What are the settings or locations of other films in my genre? Where and when are they often shot?

The different setting and locations of my Horror films are normally around A hunted house, a room, a graveyard, a school etc. Each horror comedy has they own and original setting and location so it can set the tone. The horror comedy each share a similar setting and overlook. I think they do this because it’s a stereotype and making similar movie or shows in the same area can have an audience that watches the movies like the ones they just watched. For examples when I watched “A hunted house” they had movie “similar” to the movie that pop up such as “Scary movies 5”, “Hubei Halloween”, “The babysitter” and “little evil.” Each movie is similar in the way of scary and funny. Because of this they get more viewers because it what their audience is looking for and wants.

Who is the intended audience for my film? Why? What are their moviegoing habits? How will I get them to see my movie?

The intended audience for the horror comedy films are the viewers who like to laugh and like to watch cartoons after they get scared because of a movie. Having a Horror-comedy movie draws the attention to the comedy lovers and the horror lovers making the audience larger. Another good genre is Action-comedy because it has all the cool shooting, fighting, killing, cops that makes the movie more popular. Taking to your friends about the movie/ show can make the viewers grow into more and more giving to company money to make more of our favorite movie/ shows. Another important thing is the lighting because the different lighting makes the tone and theme of the movie. I like horror-comedy movies because they are the most appealing movies/ shows to watch.


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