Blog #4 Questions opening sequence!!
What do the opening sequences look like in other films of my genre?
There are different opening sequences in comedy for example in action comedy they normally have bright colors with short clips of people fighting, shooting, making face or anything that comedy and related to action. Another example is romantic comedy they have the pink, white and red as there main character they normally start off with the beginning of the clip and add effects. It has its own words without saying its own words.
How does an opening sequence reveal meaning and tone without giving away too much?
The opening sequence reveal different tones without giving it away by the color, music, different shots. Each different comedy genre has its own meaning and how it is going to play out. With each movie or show they always shave their plot twist that no one is expecting to happen and when those plot twist happen everyone and shock, they change their whole outlook on thing and see it a different. The tone of the movie or show is at the end or middle its when you start to understand what the main meaning is and what it is based on.
How much action really happens in the first 2 minutes of a film?
In comedy there is very little action depending on what kind of genre the comedy theme is different. When they have their themes, each comedy uses a different action with the action you don’t see much because the writer wants you to be surprised or not aware of what is going to happen. A good movie example is “Scary movie” it starts of as a pretty female who answer a phone and some wired dude and talking to her and saying “I see you” scaring her.
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